

#1: The Future Of Luxury, Post-Coronavirus – Forbes
This article relates the importance of providing an authentic value system, the switch from the “WHAT” to the “HOW”.
Eric Briones : « Le luxe est un talisman de résilience » - Stratégies
Luxury is explored with passion. Resilience is part of Luxury DNA and has been instrumental to Luxury groups fast recovery power.
#3: Quelle boutique de luxe pour la clientèle GenZ française ? – Journal du Luxe 
We know stores should become a place of experience. 
Nicolas REBET illustrates here some smart directions to make it real. You’ll read a lot about humanity and authenticity (which is quite uplifting).
#4: Hermès annonce une collaboration exclusive avec MycoWorks, une start-up spécialisée dans les biomatériaux - Forbes
Sustainability infuses everywhere. With nature inspired Mycelium, Science is entering the game.
#5: Le son, la prochaine révolution pour les marques du retail et du luxe ? – l’ADN
As sound is preparing a comeback, this article invite us to include all sens in the brand experience.
We hope you’ll take as much pleasure reading those as we did. 

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